Per la presidente di Emergency il 7 ottobre è l'occasione per riaffermare e difendere i valori e i principi della Costituzione
Articolo 11: "L'Italia ripudia la guerra come strumento di offesa alla libertà degli altri popoli e come mezzo di risoluzione delle controversie internazionali".
Emergency aderisce alla manifestazione del 7 ottobre perché il nostro vocabolario identitario continua a includere parole di guerra, che continua a essere l’approccio, il messaggio, la soluzione a cui pensiamo come Paese omettendo volutamente alternative di dialogo e diplomazia.
Nous perdons du terrain depuis des décennies et je crains qu'on n'arrive plus à éviter un affrontement direct entre extrême droite raciste classique (...)
Quel État voulons-nous pour quelle société ? L'islam politique n'a pas renoncé à son projet d'islamisation de l'Etat et de la société. Il a simplement (...)
Ett nytt franskt utkast till europeisk konfederation i gen. de Gaulles anda, uppenbarligen tillkommet efter brexit; ordf för gruppen : Jean-Pierre Chevènement
1ère Vice-présidente : Marie-Françoise Bechtel, députée de l’Aisne
Vice-présidents : Christian Hutin, député du Nord, Christine Meyer, conseillère régionale des Pays de Loire, Jean-Yves Autexier, ancien parlementaire
Secrétaire générale : Estelle Folest, cadre supérieure
Secrétaire général adjoint : Claude Nicolet, conseiller régional du Nord-Pas-de-Calais
Trésorier : Gérard Pierre, universitaire
Trésorier adjoint : Marie-Pierre Logelin, professeur
One week after Congress held the first hearing in 41 years on the president’s authority to order the use of nuclear weapons, two of Columbia Law School’s leading scholars of war powers and the Constitution discussed what’s at stake before a large audience at the New-York Historical Society in Manhattan. During the Nov. 21 event, Philip Bobbitt, the Herbert Wechsler Professor of Federal Jurisprudence, and Matthew Waxman, the Liviu Librescu Professor of Law, discussed war powers and the presidency, including a proposal by Waxman that would constrain the president’s authority to order a nuclear first strike. The proposal, which Waxman has been developing with Richard Betts, a professor at Columbia’s School of International and Public Affairs, aims to reform nuclear launch procedures. Under the proposal, the secretary of defense would need to affirm that a nuclear first-strike order is valid and the attorney general would need to certify that it is legal.
Speaker(s): Professor Christine Chinkin, Professor Mary Kaldor, Dr Javier Solana Chair: Professor Toby Dodge Recorded on 21 June 2017 at Old Theatre, Old Bui...
In spite of clear popular support, Iceland's new crowd-sourced constitution was recently killed by politicians. An ex-member of the constitutional council sheds some light on what happened - and why there might still be some hope for this unique experiment. (Thorvaldur Gylfason)