There is a growing amount of evidence-based research supporting various botanicals; and/or primary evidence comes from a long medicinal use. Evidence-based research may be limited, but we shouldn't ignore botanicals that have been used for 1000s of years,
P. Royle, and N. Waugh. BMC medical research methodology, (July 2005)LR: 20061115; PUBM: Electronic; DEP: 20050723; JID: 100968545; 2005/02/05 received; 2005/07/23 accepted; 2005/07/23 aheadofprint; epublish.
K. Lee, M. Schotland, P. Bacchetti, and L. Bero. JAMA : the journal of the American Medical Association, 287 (21):
2805-2808(June 2002)LR: 20061115; PUBM: Print; JID: 7501160; OID: KIE: 104028; OTO: KIE; GN: KIE: 43 refs.; GN: KIE: KIE Bib: biomedical research; ppublish.