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    CiteSpace is a freely available Java application for analyzing and visualizing scientific literature. CiteSpace is expanding its scope to include additional data sources such as summaries of NSF awards. Click here for a direct WebStart, or downloading the package.
    vor 17 Jahren von @pitman

    In order to solve web application vulnerabilities we have created HDIV (HTTP Data Integrity Validator) open source project. We can briefly define HDIV as a Java Web Application Security Framework. HDIV extends web applications’ behaviour by adding Security functionalities, maintaining the API and the framework specification. This implies that we can use HDIV in applications developed in Struts 1.x, Struts 2.x, Spring MVC and JSTL in a transparent way to the programmer and without adding any complexity to the application development. It is possible to use HDIV in applications that don’t use Struts 1.x, Struts 2.x, Spring MVC or JSTL, but in this case it is necessary to modify the application (JSP pages). The security functionalities added to the web applications are these: INTEGRITY: HDIV guarantees integrity (no data modification) of all the data generated by the server which should not be modified by the client (links, hidden fields, combo values, radio buttons, destiny pages, etc.). Thanks to this property HDIV helps to eliminate most of the vulnerabilities based on the parameter tampering. EDITABLE DATA VALIDATION: HDIV eliminates to a large extent the risk originated by attacks of type Cross-site scripting (XSS) and SQL Injection using generic validations of the editable data (text and textarea). CONFIDENTIALITY: HDIV guarantees the confidentiality of the non editable data as well. Usually lots of the data sent to the client has key information for the attackers such as database registry identifiers, column or table names, web directories, etc. All these values are hidden by HDIV to avoid a malicious use of them. For example a link of this type, http://www.host.com?data1=12&data2=24 is replaced by http://www.host.com?data1=0&data2=1, guaranteeing confidentiality of the values representing database identifiers. Also it is possible to hide the name of the parameters becoming the link into http://www.host.com?0=0&1=1. ANTI-CROSS SITE REQUEST FORGERY (CSRF) TOKEN: Random string called a token is placed in each form and link of the HTML response, ensuring that this value will be submitted with the next request. This random string provides protection because not only does the compromised site need to know the URL of the target site and a valid request format for the target site, it also must know the random string which changes for each visited page.
    vor 16 Jahren von @gresch

    A meta-programming approach to general data modeling. Introduction Meta-JB is a MetaClass/MetaObject layer providing generic access to model implementations, decoupling application logic from underlying implementation details, and allowing user interfaces (Swing, HTML, etc.) to be dynamically generated at runtime. By wrapping model implementations in MetaObject adapters, applications can interact with the model layer in a homogenous way. Description Meta-JB extends the Java Beans-based meta-programming concept to provide more generic access to object attributes and descriptions for any model object with an appropriate adapter. The descriptions of a class's properties (the MetaClass) and access to an object's attributes are decoupled from actual implementations by adapters implementing a Map-like name/value interface (the MetaObject). Because the thin framework is built on generic interfaces, it is not tied directly to real Java bean implementations and can also be used for anything that can access values by name. (Some examples are SQL result sets, HTTP request data, or simple hash maps.) Once a "class" has been described, the information can even be applied to different underlying implementations. The MetaClass/MetaObject layer is a foundation for dynamically generating user-level access to application object models. Toolkits are provided for generating Swing GUIs at runtime or dynamically rendering objects as XML using the class descriptions. On the drawing board is support for generating HTML forms and views as well. Future development may also extend to a collaborative data access layer.
    vor 16 Jahren von @gresch

    R first appeared in 1996, when the statistics professors Robert Gentleman, left, and Ross Ihaka released the code as a free software package. * Sign In to E-Mail or Save This * Print * Single Page * Reprints * Share o Linkedin o Digg o Facebook o Mixx o Yahoo! Buzz o Permalink Article Tools Sponsored By By ASHLEE VANCE Published: January 6, 2009
    vor 16 Jahren von @pitman


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