SuperQuaiL is a Java SQL query builder. The goal of SuperQuaiL is to help Java developers who code SQL run and create queries easier. Other database tools focus on making it easy to do database administration and it is nice to be able to inspect the database through these tools. PhpMyAdmin, for example, a is nice web front end that you can run from multiple computers, but the interface is clumsy for the developer. For development, building queries is the main task and having a small program that loads quickly is more helpful than having a complicated interface where you can find out almost anything about the database. SuperQuaiL provides nice features to aid in the process of developing queries quick and easy.
Das Problem …
PHP-Scripte werden nach einer bestimmten Laufzeit abgebrochen (normalerweise nach 30 Sekunden), und so funktioniert ein Backup mit diversen Tools nur bis zu einer bestimmten Größe.
Braucht das Script länger als die 30 Sekunden, so wird es vom Server einfach abgebrochen, und man kommt nicht mehr an sein Backup heran. Gleiches gilt für das Wiedereinspielen eines Backups.
Wer einmal ein Dumpfile von Hand in viele kleinere Einzelabschnitte zerlegt hat, um eine Datenbank wieder herzustellen, der weiß genau, wovon wir reden.
MySQLDumper ist die Lösung …
MySQLDumper umgeht den Timeout-Error mit Hilfe eines kleinen Tricks: Er liest nur eine bestimmte Anzahl von Datensätzen aus der Tabelle aus, merkt sich, wie weit er gekommen ist, und ruft sich anschließend selbst auf. Dadurch erhält das Script bei jedem Aufruf wieder die vollen 30 Sekunden und umgeht so den Timeout-Error. Das gleiche Prinzip benutzt MySQLDumper auch beim Wiederherstellen der Daten.
MySQLDumper kann die Daten beim Sichern sofort packen. Auch das Wiederherstellungsscript kann direkt aus dieser gepackten Datei lesen, ohne dass sie auf dem Server entpackt werden muss! Natürlich kann man die Datei auch ungepackt lassen, aber spätestens beim Hochladen eines Backups weiß man dies zu schätzen.
Very interesting approach!
"Apache Empire-db is an Open Source relational data persistence component which allows database vendor independent dynamic query definition as well as safe and simple data retrieval and updating. Compared to most other solutions like e.g. Hibernate, TopLink, iBATIS or JPA implementations, Empire-db takes a considerably different approach, with a special focus on compile-time safety, reduced redundancies and improved developer productivity."
AutoPatch was born from the needs of using an agile development process while working on systems that have persistent storage. Without AutoPatch, developers usually can't afford the maintenance headache of their own database, and DBAs are required just to apply changes to all of the various environments a serious development effort requires.
The very application of database changes becomes an inefficient, error-prone, expensive process, all conspiring to discourage any refactoring that touches the model, or being a bottleneck when model changes are made.
AutoPatch solves this problem, completely.
With AutoPatch, an agile development process that requires a database change looks like this:
* Developer alters the model, which requires a change to the database
* Developer possibly consults a DBA, and develops a SQL patch against their personal database that implements the alteration
* Developer commits the patch to source control at the same time as they commit their dependent code
* Other developers' and environments' databases are automatically updated by AutoPatch the next time the new source is run
This represents streamlined environment maintenance, allowing developers to cheaply have their own databases and all databases to stay in synch with massively lower costs and no environment skew.
That's what AutoPatch does.
Clusters with one database? Multiple schemas? Logical migrations, instead of just DDL changes? Need to do something special/custom? Need to distribute your changes commercially? All without paying anything? No problem.
SQLRunner is a simple JDBC Client which helps Java developers with various methods. You can build, test and run select, update and DML statements (also callable statements with out put parameters) and export or import data in/from csv-files or XML-fi
Xml based metalanguage for a database schema definition. The following artifacts could be generated from this definition: DDL scripts for various database servers, HTML - documentation, ERD.
Apache Derby, an Apache DB subproject, is an open source relational database implemented entirely in Java.
Formerly known as IBM Cloudscape it is now included in Java 6 as Java DB.
DB Schema Viewer is an Eclipse plugin that builds a graphical view of an existing database. Reverse Engineering is performed through JDBC. The most popular databases are currently supported:
* PostgreSQL
* Firebird
log4jdbc is a JDBC driver that can log SQL and/or JDBC calls (and optionally SQL timing information) for other jdbc drivers using the Simple Logging Facade For Java (SLF4J) logging system.
J. Broekstra, A. Kampman, and F. van Harmelen. Proceedings of the first International Semantic Web
Conference (ISWC 2002), 2342, page 54--68. Sardinia, Italy, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg Germany, (June 2002)See also