Übersicht & Liste der 6 größten u. wichtigsten open-souce CMS (Content Management Systeme), die Sie kennen sollten: Infos, Vorteile und Nachteile zu jedem CMS, einfach erklärt!
Mit einem Content-Management-System installiert man unter anderem die Grundlage für jetzige und zukünftige Sicherheitslücken. Eine Studie des Bundesamtes für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik hat fünf gängige Open-Source- CMS geprüft.
A free (libre), open-source (GNU GPL), content management platform designed for group collaboration. Open Atrium is based on Drupal (running on Apache, with a MySQL database).
A free (libre), open-source (GNU GPL) content management framework written in PHP with support for a number of operating-systems, web-servers and databases.
Drupal made international news following the U.S. White House's October 2009 web redesign. The variety of Drupal-powered websites demonstrates the platform's flexibility. Notable examples include British Medical Journal (BMJ); Stanford Law School, and Turner Broadcasting.
Getting comments on your articles and such is great — you know people are reading your stuff, helpful visitors will expand, refine and correct your posts. It’s all good. Except when it isn’t. When it isn’t good, you get tons of spam submissions and you feel like you’re spending all your time sifting through them.