Deux ouvrages – « Le Bien commun, le climat et le marché » de Benjamin Coriat et « L’Illusion de la finance verte » d’Alain Grandjean, membre du Haut Conseil pour le climat, et du financier Julien Lefournier – reviennent sur les illusions de nombreux économistes, persuadés que le marché et la finance peuvent être les moyens de lutter contre les dérèglements climatiques.
The OECD Economic Outlook is the OECD's twice-yearly analysis of the major economic trends and prospects for the next two years. This issue includes a general assessment of the macroeconomic situation, a series of notes on the macroeconomic and structural policy issues related to the COVID-19 outbreak and a chapter summarising developments and providing projections for each individual country.
Freier Eintritt ins Museum ist in Deutschland nicht neu. Seit einiger Zeit ist das Thema aber wieder verstärkt auf der kulturpolitischen Agenda, wie die Debatten in zahlreichen Ländern, Kommunen und im Deutschen Bundestag zeigen. Zu einer sinnvollen Lösungsfindung zwischen den verschiedenen, mitunter idealistischen Meinungen kann die Wissenschaft Klärendes beitragen. Dies tut dieser Beitrag in Form einer Meta-Studie von ca. 40 internationalen Untersuchungen.
Women, Business and the Law (WBL) is a World Bank Group project that collects data on gender inequality in the law. The dataset diagnoses legal barriers limiting women's full economic participation and encourages policymakers to reform discriminatory laws.
Political economy is all about the study of the relationships of power that determine the distribution of resources in the economy. What does today’s Queen’s Speech say in this context? Most of all it says that this is a government without power.
The backlash against unethical labor practices in the “collaborative sharing economy” has been overplayed. Recently, The Washington Post, New York Times and others started to rail against online…