FeatureMapper is a tool approach to combine Software Product Line Engineering (SPLE) and Model-Driven Software Development.
It supports mapping features from feature models to solution artefacts expressed in EMF/Ecore-based languages (such as UML2 or your home-made domain-specific language), provides various visualisations of these mappings, allows for mapping-based transformation of solution models, and provides an extensible interface to utilise different transformation techniques.
In addition to its own feature metamodel, it also supports feature models and variant models of pure::variants, an industrial-strength tool for variant management.
FeatureMapper is under development at the Software Technology Group of Technische Universität Dresden, partly in the context of the BMBF-funded feasiPLe research project.
JaMoPP is a set of Eclipse plug-ins that can be used to parse Java source code into EMF-based models and vice versa. JaMoPP consists of:
a complete Java5 Ecore Metamodel,
a complete Java5 EMFText Syntax, and
an implementation of Java5's static semantics analysis.
Through JaMoPP, every Java program can be processed as any other EMF model. JaMoPP therefore bridges the gap between modelling and Java programming. It enables the application of arbitrary EMF-based tools on full Java programs. Since JaMoPP is developed through metamodelling and code generation, extending Java and embedding Java into other modelling languages, using standard metamodeling techniques and tools, is now possible. To ensure the quality of JaMoPP, it has been successfully tested on a large code base.
Apache Wicket uses so called model objects to bind data objects to Wicket components. The framework provides a number of model implementations to access data
T. Rahmani, D. Oberle, and M. Dahms. Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, volume 6395 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 10.1007/978-3-642-16129-2_18.(2010)