The use of social media to facilitate and organise protests could lead to an uncertain future for the web in Egypt.Jillian York (Boston) Last Modified: 01 Feb 2011
Plutôt que de chercher à censurer massivement — et sans discernement — les messages d’opposants en fermant le robinet numérique, les autorités égyptiennes prennent l’initiative de se servir à leur tour des nouvelles technologies : c’est ainsi que l’armée
"Although Hosni Mubarak was forced to step down in February 2011, the uprisings in Egypt show little sign of retreat. While the uniting rallying cry may have been against dictatorship, the struggle in Egypt that took headlines across the world in early 2011 reflected deeper social, political, and economic problems. The key demands of the revolution have still not been met. The continuation of military rule and the promise of more neoliberal economic policies lead many to believe it will be a long battle. Protestors in Egypt are hopeful, however, as people all over the world revolt against an economic system that benefits the few at the expense of the many."
"Despite a glorification of the Egyptian revolution as a “non-violent” one, violence has been a part of the uprising since the first stone was thrown." by Philip Rizk on April 7, 2013
Säkulare Gruppen rufen für Freitag erneut zur Besetzung des Tahrir-Platzes auf: Gegen den mangelnden Reformwillen des Militärrates und die islamistische Gefahr (von Jack Shenker)
Lange wurden die Ägypter unterdrückt, nun lernen sie Demokratie. Während Säkulare und Islamisten streiten, fürchten sie vor allem die Kriminalität. (Von Giuliana Sgrena)