The e-Design Assessment Tool (eDAT) is a tool to help tutors represent and evaluate effective blended or distance learning designs. The eDAT combines a simple analysis of the learning activities with reflections on the teaching and learning perspective that underpins the design.
Usability and user experience testing is vital to creating a successful website, and only more so if it’s an e-commerce website, a complex app or another website for which there’s a definite ROI. And running your own user tests to find out how users are interacting with your website and where problems might arise is completely possible.
The TAO framework is an open-source project which provides a very general and open architecture for computer-assisted test development and delivery. As upcoming evaluation needs will imply the collaboration among a large number of stakeholders situated at different institutional levels and with very different needs for assessment tools, the TAO framework has the ambition to provide a modular and versatile framework for collaborative distributed test development and delivery with the potential to be extended and adapted to virtually every evaluation purpose that could be handled by the means of computer-based assessment.
R. Jäschke, F. Eisterlehner, A. Hotho, and G. Stumme. RecSys '09: Proceedings of the 2009 ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, New York, NY, USA, ACM, (2009)(to appear).
C. Ardito, R. Lanzilotti, P. Buono, and A. Piccinno. Proceedings of the working conference on Advanced visual interfaces, page 278--281. Venezia, Italy, ACM, (2006)