During last few years, possibilities to exploit learning analytics have gained attention in Finnish educational institutions. National development of learning analytics functionalities has emerged, but internationally focused conversation around the topic would enrich the national work.
SWARM is a cloud platform aimed at improving analytical reasoning in intelligence work. SWARM tries to improve analytical reasoning by improving collaboration within groups of analysts rather than by trying to structure their thinking in any particular way.
Now that the “the only constant is change” in society, our capacity to engage with novel challenges is of first order importance. What are the personal dispositions that authentic learning needs to cultivate, and can we make these assessable and visible to learners and educators?
Helpful article about process writing and structured scaffolding where each student has a specific role in group work. Many editing stages with student-student and teacher-student feedback.
Helping the world find the best input from an audience of any size. Let your audience decide. Get to know your audience by letting them decide which questions, suggestions or ideas interest them most. Everyone's voice is heard. The voting box at the top of page focuses attention on submissions recently added and on the rise, making it simple and easy to participate. Be creative. Include people in your preparation for lectures, interviews and hard decisions or work together to organize feature requests and brainstorm new ideas.
Announcing Vyew 2.0: Free Web Conferencing and Always-On Collaboration * 100% Browser-based - No downloads or installs * Shared viewing of: DOCs, PPTs, XLSs, JPGs, PDFs and more * Real-time Desktop Sharing and Screen Capturing * Tools to Whiteboard, Draw
Announcing Vyew 2.0: Free Web Conferencing and Always-On Collaboration * 100% Browser-based - No downloads or installs * Shared viewing of: DOCs, PPTs, XLSs, JPGs, PDFs and more * Real-time Desktop Sharing and Screen Capturing * Tools to Whiteboard, Draw