Fakt ist: Frauen treffen gute Finanzentscheidungen, wenn sie über das nötige Wissen verfügen. Die Finanz-Heldinnen unterstützen Frauen dabei, sich mit Finanzthemen vertraut zu machen.
Lightbulb creates, enhances, refreshes, and revitalizes educational financial websites, financial micro-sites and online learning centers for financial literacy and investor education programs, and provides full website development capabilities, including financial content licensing and development, editorial services, website design and production, interactive learning, site maintenance, CMS compatibility, and web hosting services.
Das webbasierte Ökonomielehrangebot iconomix ermöglicht einen attraktiven und aktuellen Wirtschaftsunterricht. Es richtet sich an Lehrpersonen der Sekundarstufe II.
The mission of the Center for Consumer Financial Research is to promote the effective delivery of consumer financial products, services and education through the dissemination of research within these fields.