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A decentralized unified messaging and data exchange project based on FOAF profiles.
* Decentralized Architecture
* Human Client (appropriate visualization, e.g. friends as avatars on desktop)
Usecases (Protocol and API)
* Find/Search a friend
* Invite a friend
* Authenticate (in order to see the details of a friend's profile)
* Register a new identity
* Become trusted
* Hand over a file to a friend
* Talk to a friend
* Leave a message
* Share Clipboard
Our goal is to design and implement D-FOAF, a distributed authentication and trust infrastructure without a centralised authority. D-FOAF will be a backbone for trust applications based on social relationships and will establish idenity of users similar to the way we establish identify and trust in real life.
F. Abel, N. Henze, E. Herder, and D. Krause. User Modeling, Adaptation, and Personalization, volume 6075 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, (2010)