Our e-commerce website consumer trust decreases in organisations across all industries. We have shifted away from traditional sources of expertise and towards the web as a means of verification. We now trust other people more and count on the suggestions, opinions, and experiences of other shoppers to develop e-commerce website trust in a brand.
An e-commerce definition is the activity of purchasing and offering physical goods and services over the internet. To complete a transaction, more than one party needs to participate along with the transfer of money or data. It is a part of the bigger sector of the economy known as electronic business.
Electrocardiagram (ECG) Course – 19th March 2016
Professor Richard Schilling and Interventional Cardiologist Dr Andrew Sharp (in conjunction with the leading provider of high-end and tailored educational solutions, Simple Education) are delivering a detailed ECG course covering ECG interpretation.
Course attendees, (the course is suitable for healthcare professionals ranging from Hospital Doctors, through to medical students), will learn all they need to know in order to feel fully confident in ECG interpretation.
Described as “the best course I have ever been on” by Doctor Gillian Kelly, the course is presented in a modern style, in state of the art facilities and is supported by hundreds of case examples.
The course starts at 9am – 4pm GMT and is based in London, England.
GCS - Global Citation Score shows the Citation Frequency based on the total count in the Web of Science. LCR - Local Cited References shows the count of cited papers within the collection. LCS - Local Citation Score shows the Citation Frequency within the