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    is an extension to MetaOCaml with indexed types. Indexed types allow the programmer to express nested polymorphism as well as complex functional dependencies at the level of types. Small number of extensions to the term and type language are needed to give the user full access to the powerful Coq proof checker at the level of types. With these extensions, datatypes can be defined that reflect the size of a list or a vector in its type. Because Coq is one of the most expressive checkers available, any fact that can be proved in Coq can be used to give more refined types to programs. Because Coq propositions can be viewed as types, Concoqtion provides a natural way to incorporate formal verification techniques into programming practice. * Related Systems: Epigram, Cayenne, ATS, Omega, Elf and Twelf, RSP, DML, Harper and Licata's extension to DML, Lightwight dependent types, Attractive types, First Class Phantom Types, GADTs for Object-oriented languages, Scala
    13 years ago by @draganigajic

    JoCaml is Objective Caml plus (&) the join calculus, that is, OCaml extended for concurrent and distributed programming. The new JoCaml is a re-implementation of the now unmaintained JoCaml by Fabrice Le Fessant. With respect to this previous implementation, main changes are: * Numerous syntax changes, we believe the new syntax to be cleaner. * Disparition of mobility features, sacrified for the sake of OCaml compatibility. * Much better compatibility with Objective Caml. o Source compatibility is about 99%, there are three new keywords (def, reply and spawn) ; or and & should definitely not be used as boolean operators. o Binary compatibility for matching versions.
    13 years ago by @draganigajic

    Syntax extension for Monads in Ocaml Jacques Carette, Lydia E. van Dijk and Oleg Kiselyov This Camlp4 extension provides some syntactic sugar to beautify monadic expressions. Example: A simple but realistic example of the use of a list monad looks like this bind [1; 2; 3] (fun a -> bind [3; 4; 5] (fun b -> return (a + b))) where we assume the appropriate definitions of the functions "bind" and "return". With the help of "pa_monad" this can be written as perform a <-- [1; 2; 3]; b <-- [3; 4; 5]; return (a + b) which is much clearer and thus easier to understand and maintain. By the way, the expression evaluates to [4; 5; 6; 5; 6; 7; 6; 7; 8] the sum of each pair of values of the input list
    13 years ago by @draganigajic

    concurrent paradigm, namely functional programming extended with threads and ports, which I call multi-agent dataflow programming. * The declarative concurrent subset (no ports) has no race conditions and can be programmed like a functional language. The basic concept is dataflow synchronization of single-assignment variables. A useful data structure is the stream, a list with dataflow tail used as a communication channel. * Nondeterminism can be added exactly where needed and minimally, by using ports - a named stream to which any thread can send. * All functional building blocks are concurrency patterns. Map, fold, filter, etc., are all useful for building concurrent programs. * Concurrent systems can be configured in any order and concurrently with actual use of the system. * Designing concurrent programs is any declarative part of the program can be put in own thread, loosening the coupling between system's parts * The paradigm is easily extended
    13 years ago by @draganigajic

    au:chlipala Ur introduces richer type system features into FP. Ur is functional, pure, statically-typed, and strict. Ur supports metaprogramming based on row types. Ur/Web is standard library and associated rules for parsing and optimization. Ur/Web supports construction of dynamic web applications backed by SQL databases. The signature of the standard library is such that well-typed Ur/Web programs "don't go wrong" in a very broad sense. They also may not: * Suffer from any kinds of code-injection attacks * Return invalid HTML * Contain dead intra-application links * Have mismatches between HTML forms and the fields expected by their handlers It is also possible to use metaprogramming to build significant application pieces by analysis of type structure - demo includes an ML-style functor for building an admin interface for an arbitrary SQL table. The Ur/Web compiler also produces very efficient object code that does not use gc
    13 years ago by @draganigajic


    I’ve been working on file handling and concurrency recently, using the type system to manage state to prevent unauthorised access to resources and to ensure locks are managed correctly, even looking at how types can help prevent deadlock. I’ve been doing this in Ivor, but I think now is the time to give it a go in a real language. To this end… …I’ve spent the last few weeks hacking on a fledgling dependently typed language called Idris. It has full dependent types, pattern matching, and some basic IO with Haskell style do notation. I’ve tried a few simple examples, including the traditional well-typed interpreter. Types need to be given for pattern matching functions, but can often be omitted for constants - full type inference is of course impossible with full dependent types.
    13 years ago by @draganigajic

    Jaskell is a functional scripting programming language that runs in JVM. The name "Jaskell" stands for Java-Haskell, but it is not haskell 1. Most of the current scripting languages are Object-Oriented. Though they more or less have functional tastes (Ruby's sexy closure, for example), the heart of them are still Object-Oriented. One of the most important essenses of functional programming (combinators) is yet to be brought into Java. 2. Jaskell brings with it higher order function, function currying, pattern match and monadic combinator support. 3. Monadic combinator is ideal for designing Domain Specific Language. It is relatively easy to tailor Jaskell runtime to make domain specific syntax look like simple atomic statements. See Neptune for a real example. 4. Jaskell is nothing but a Java library that passes Java objects in and out of the interpreter.
    13 years ago by @draganigajic

    SMLserver is a Web server plugin for the Apache Web server. SMLserver makes it possible to write dynamic Web applications using your favorite programming language without sacrificing efficiency and scalability of your Web service. SMLserver includes the possibility of accessing a variety of different relational database management systems (RDBMSs), such as Oracle and Postgresql. Main Features of SMLserver Standard ML '97 The Definition of Standard ML SMLserver supports all of Standard ML '97, as defined in the Definition of Standard ML. In particular, SMLserver supports the use of Standard ML Modules and most of the Standard ML Basis Library. SMLserver is based on the MLKit. Web Server API SMLserver provides an SML interface to much of the Apache API, thereby giving the SML programmer access to the following features:
    13 years ago by @draganigajic

publications  18