Thrill is a C++ framework for distributed Big Data computations on a cluster. It is currently in development and aims to be more versatile and performant than Java-based alternatives.
Appunta is a Framework for the Android platform that allows us not only to easily show geopositional information to the user, but also to create new ways of showing this information or modifying the existing ones.
Basically, you have a set of POI (Points Of Interest) located in a map (thus, with a latitude, longitude, and optionally, an altitude), and you need to show these POI and their related information to the user.
Appunta allows you, out of the box, to represent this information in two different ways, a radar or an augmented reality view. But, you can modify these components to show data in other ways or create new ways of visualizing this information.
Appunta is Open Source and anybody can freely use it. So, what are you waiting for?
Hazelcast is an open source clustering and highly scalable data distribution platform for Java, which is:
* Lightening-fast; thousands of operations/sec.
* Fail-safe; no losing data after crashes.
* Dynamically scales as new servers added.
* Super-easy to use; include a single jar.
Hazelcast is pure Java. JVMs that are running Hazelcast will dynamically cluster. Although by default Hazelcast will use multicast for discovery, it can also be configured to only use TCP/IP for environments where multicast is not available or preferred.