According to Mexican press accounts, the deadly swine-flu outbreak now spreading into the U.S. is linked to large-scale hog operations in Mexico run by industrial-meat giant Smithfield Foods.
C’est encore un coup des Yes Men, les soldats de la contre-manipulation, qui ont repeint le Herald Tribune pour les besoins d’une campagne de Greenpeace.
Artikel av Lars Nystedt (11.12.2009). Motto: "Den fantastiska kraften i modernt räknande kommer från tre uppfinningar: de arabiska siffrorna, decimalbråken och logaritmerna." (Florian Cajori) -- " År 1614 utkom i Skottland en bok som skulle revolutionera
"Radical Homemakers uncovers a hidden revolution quietly taking hold across the United States. It is the story of pioneering men and women who are redefining feminism and the good life by adhering to simple principles of ecological sustainability, social
plockepinn, Mikado, Bentham. "Push-pin was immortalized by Jeremy Bentham when he wrote in The Rationale of Reward that "Prejudice apart, the game of push-pin is of equal value with the arts and sciences of music and poetry."[5] John Stuart Mill, who disa
Annika Spaldes blogg om fredsarbete och en andlighet som utmanar denna världens makter. "Förstörelsens fästen är kraftigt bemannade, det är dags för de snälla att bli fly förbannade. Tage Danielsson"
Jaan Kaplinski: "My only, but very serious objection to the book [Puhdistus] is that it pretends to be a realistic story about life in Soviet Estonia in the second half of the XXth century, and seems to have been accepted as such by the public in Europe a
The Sandbox tree (Hura crepitans; syn. Hura brasiliensis Wild.), also known as Possumwood and Jabillo, is an evergreen tree of the spurge family (Euphorbiaceae), native to tropical regions of North and South America in Amazon Rainforest. It is recognized
Ilmatieteen laitos on ilmakehä- ja meriosaamisen edelläkävijä maailmassa. Sen huippututkimukseen perustuvat tuotteet ja palvelut auttavat suomalaista yhteiskuntaa sopeutumaan sään ja ilmaston muutoksiin. Ilmatieteen laitoksen tietotaito ja teknologinen os
"I must tell you a critical discovery of mine apropos: in an old book of Venetian arms, there are two coats of Capello, who from their name bear a hat; on one of them is added a fleur-de-lis on a blue ball, which I am persuaded was given to the family by