Among the young, social media, gaming and “rough sex” may contribute to this trend---Minskningarna "är inte triviala", som författarna skrev i studien, som publicerades den 19 november i Archives of Sexual Behavior. Mellan 2009 och 2018 ökade andelen ungdomar som inte rapporterade någon sexuell aktivitet, varken ensam eller med partners, från 28,8 procent till 44,2 procent bland unga män och från 49,5 procent 2009 till 74 procent bland unga kvinnor. Forskarna fick den självrapporterade informationen från National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior och använde svar från 4 155 personer år 2009 och 4 547 personer år 2018. De som svarade på den konfidentiella undersökningen var mellan 14 och 49 år gamla.
La tecnologia consente forme nuove di violenza, come l’undressing: “spogliare” le fotografie mettendole a nudo. Servono regole per far rispettare i diritti
The Women's Human Rights Campaign (WHRC) was founded by Sheila Jeffreys and Heather Brunskell-Evans.[3] In February 2018, Brunskell-Evans had been removed from her role as Women's Equality Party spokesperson and resigned from the party after the party opened an investigation into comments she made to the BBC about the parents of transgender children.[15] In March 2018, Jeffreys attended a "Transgenderism and the War on Women" event at the Parliament of the United Kingdom sponsored by Conservative MP David Davies, and during her presentation, said: "when men claim to be women ... and parasitically occupy the bodies of the oppressed, they speak for the oppressed. They become to be recognised as the oppressed. There's no space for women's liberation".[16]
Einst verehrt, wurde das weibliche Genital auf ein Loch für den Penis reduziert. Die Vulva-Kulturgeschichte von M. Sanyal soll das ändern - ein Stück Popfeminismus.
J. Yoder. Journal of Social Issues, 57 (4):
815-828(Winter 2001)Strategies for enhancing women's leadership must recognize that leadership is gendered and occurs within gendered context..
A. Fels. Harvard business review, 82 (4):
50-60(April 2004)Women's gender identities and contemporary social norms act as hidden barriers to career achievement; advice on fostering ambition and overcoming these barriers is presented..