If you're a science geek, and if you like to go to geeky places, in real life or on a map, this site may be for you. Here we map many such places worldwide, and for each we provide information about them and link to other sites for more details.
Trawling through all the mapping sites out there, we’ve compiled a list of the most interesting online mapping tools that some are referring to as “Maps 2.0″.
"The Google Maps API is a great tool if you'd had experience using it, but there are a number of third-party applications that streamline the map-building process and facilitate and quicker move to the web when time is a factor. Below are some of the best tools for creating worry-free Google Maps."
"This web site tries to find your location and shows you points of interest from Wikipedia around you ... The technology involved to create this site is: The W3C Geo Location API ... Various Yahoo Geo and YQL lookups bundled in the YQLGeo library... The Geonames WikiPedia lookup API"
Yahoo!-Entwickler Christian Heilmann beschreibt im Detail, wie mit verschiedenen Standards und Yahoo!-Technologien ein Mashup realisiert wird, das in der Nähe einer Location Points-of-Interest aus der Wikipedia sucht