The field of Quantum Information Science is the most challenging and hot topic among all branches of science. This field is also quite interdisciplinary in character, and people from quantum theory, computer science, mathematics, information theory, condensed matter physics, many-body physics and many more have been actively involved to understand implications of quantum mechanics in information processing.
Evolutionary Algorithms Parameter Tuning to Solve the Root Identification Problem in Geometric Constraint Solving: A case of study with PBIL and CHC Algorithms
This program is an interactive geometry software with proof related features.
The project consist in producing an interactive proof software for geometry.
GeoProof can communicate with the Coq proof assistant to perform automatic and interactive proofs of geometry theorems.
Geolog is a logic programming language for finitary geometric logic. These webnotes describe how to use a Geolog interpreter written in Prolog, called Geoprolog. These notes also provide examples showing how to prove some interesting mathematical theorems using Geoprolog. Another section (§8) discusses an interactive version of the software that connects a Prolog prover with a Java GUI.
R. Caldas. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 6770 LNCS (PART 2):
205-214(2024)cited By (since 1996) 0; Conference of 1st International Conference on Design, User Experience and Usability: Theory, Methods, Tools and Practice, DUXU 2011, Held as Part of 14th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, HCI International 2011; Conference Date: 9 July 2011 through 14 July 2011; Conference Code: 85648.