The now retracted paper halted hydroxychloroquine trials. Studies like this determine how people live or die tomorrow
The Lancet has made one of the biggest retractions in modern history. How could this happen?
by Dr James Heathers
This article is mostly abt possible flaws in peer review. The article is an apology for the Lancet's mistake in publishing bad science
On October 3, 2016, the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded to Yoshinori Ohsumi for “discoveries of the mechanisms for autophagy.” Just a few weeks earlier, at an acceptance speech for the 2016 Paul Janssen Award, Yoshinori Ohsumi stated that although he performs research in a simple organism—baker’s yeast—he always hoped his research would have an impact upon human health.
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For the production of medical knowledge as a public good
Initiated by BUKO Pharma-Kampagne and medico international (Germany), Outras Palavras (Brazil), People’s Health Movement and Society for International Development
The world has become a patient. The disease is called Covid-19 and it has shown us all the unavoidable interconnectedness of the planet. A remedy is only possible globally or not at all - this is one of the most important lessons of the pandemic that no one can escape. In the interest of humanity, the world should work together in solidarity, and within the framework of global political institutions to find a vaccine and medicines that can be produced and distributed on a need basis.
Diza ligger vaken på nätterna bredvid sin fyra månader gamla son. I huvudet snurrar allt hon har läst på nätet. Ska hon tillåta att han vaccineras mot sjukdomar som mässling och polio? När träffade hon senast någon med mässling? Trots att vi lever i en pandemi tycks antivaccin-rörelsen koppla ett allt hårdare grepp om de unga föräldrarna. Journalisterna Anna Nordbeck och Malin Olofsson har infiltrerat antivaccinationsrörelsen i mer än 1,5 år. De har förvånats över all värme och gemenskap som präglar rörelsen. Men ju djupare in i rörelsen de lyckats komma, desto tydligare har det också blivit att det finns metoder och mål som oroliga föräldrar inte ska få reda på.
The mission of the National-Tay Sachs & Allied Diseases Association is to lead the fight to treat and cure Tay-Sachs, Canavan and related genetic diseases and to support affected families and individuals in leading fuller lives.