DN 18.12.23 "Att Ryssland gjort sjukhus till måltavlor i Ukraina påverkar sjukvårdens planering för krig. Men upprustningen går för långsamt enligt försvarsberedningen."
Kriget i Ukraina har ökat insikten om samhällets sårbarhet. ”Uppbyggnaden av totalförsvaret är en uppgift för hela samhället, en uppgift för stor för en enskild region”, säger Erik Lagersten, direktör för säkerhet och beredskap i Region Stockholm.
Telos Functional and Integrative Medicine LLC's mission is to provide customized and personalized care for each of our clients. We achieve this by incorporating a systems biology framework into our medical practice. The goal of functional medicine is to address the root causes of each person's sickness to discover how and why an illness develops and to restore health. Functional medicine addresses each person's unique disease indications. Together, with you, we create a dynamic and emergent program focused on your healing and health that is customized, powerful, transformative, and enduring.
Are you holding stress and tension in your jaw and habitually clenching and grinding your teeth? This self-help hypnotherapy Download for adults and older teenagers can support any advice from your dentist. It teaches you how to relax your jaw more calmly and comfortably and so turn this into a new habit. Gentle & relaxing, it helps you let go of tensions and deal more easily with stress and negative feelings which are usually the cause of teeth clenching. Become more aware of the clenching and grinding action during the daytime so you can consciously relax your jaw. Also accept suggestions for unconsciously relaxing your jaw as you sleep. Listen, preferably daily, until relaxing your jaw has become your new habit and then listen from time to time to maintain the change. This SUCCESSFUL APPROACH is based on natural, safe, sound hypnotherapy principles: act out each positive step in the imagination and dramatically increase the chance of success in the real world. Lynda’s gentle, English voice calms, re-assures as she gives suggestions for boosting confidence and self-esteem. As a former teacher and clinical hypnotherapist of many years standing, she has helped thousands of people world-wide through her self-hypnosis audios. She has featured in the press, TV and radio and is the author of two widely acclaimed books on hypnotherapy with children and adults. This recording uses state-of-the-art technology and is particularly effective when you listen on headphones.
Teeth whitening in Dubai is not only safe but also personalized to your specific needs. Say goodbye to stubborn stains from coffee, wine, or tobacco, and say hello to a brighter, more confident you. With the latest technology and experienced professionals, you can trust that your smile is in good hands.
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Do you suffer from TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint) disorder in Dubai? Living with the discomfort and pain associated with TMJ issues can be challenging, but there's hope for a pain-free life with the help of a specialized TMJ specialist in Dubai.
At Telos Functional and Integrative Medicine in La Crosse, our goal is to give each of our patients with treatment that is specially tailored to their needs. We achieve this by incorporating a systems biology framework into our medical practice. We are dedicated to providing you with a comprehensive and personalized approach to care that encompasses your mind, body, and spirit. Our dedicated holistic health La Crosse, WI team is committed to empowering individuals like you to achieve optimal wellness through a comprehensive range. Through laboratory testing, we identify your unique deficiencies and toxicities, which provide us with the most pertinent information and increase your likelihood of success
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Watch the full episode of #TyskySour here: https://novara.media/johnsoncovidcomm...
#TyskySour is broadcast every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 7PM here on the Novara Media YouTube channel.
Exposures to environmental pollutants have been associated with respiratory diseases in humans and Continuous exposure to non-combusted liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) is suspected as a leading hazardous factor that might result in the development of impaired pulmonary functions. The study is aimed at assessing the effects of chronic exposure to non-combusted LPG on the prevalence of respiratory symptoms and appraising the potential pulmonary impairments among LPG vendors. Seventy five (75) apparently healthy LPG vendors and Seventy five (75) apparently healthy non LPG vendors, aged 18 to 50 years were recruited into this study. The Forced expiratory volume in 1second (FEV1), forced vital capacity (FVC) and peak expiratory flow (PEF) were obtained using a Spirometer while FEV1/FVC was calculated. Independent t-test was applied to determine the mean difference between the exposed and control groups at 5% level of significance. Chi-square test/Fisher’s exact test was used to investigate all forms of associations in the study. The prevalence of respiratory symptoms in LPG vendors was highest in nasal irritation/sneezing (56%), followed by cough (53.3%), wheeze (40%) and chest tightness (26.7%), respectively. Only the symptoms of nasal irritation/sneezing and cough showed significant association with the LPG vendors (P<0.05). Association between respiratory symptoms and age, association between respiratory symptoms and duration of exposure were not significant (P >0.05). There was a recorded significant decrease in FEV1, FVC, PEF except FEV1/FVC for the LPG vendors (P <0.05) compared to the non LPG vendors. The health implications of exposure to LPG are high prevalence rate of respiratory symptoms (nasal irritation/sneezing and cough) and impaired pulmonary functions. Journal Name: Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences | JBES
Stockholm+50 äger rum den 2-3 juni 2022, i nära anslutning till FN:s årliga
Regeringen.se : I juni 2022 arrangerar FN högnivåmötet Stockholm+50 där Sverige står som värd, tillsammans med Kenya. Då är det femtio år sedan FN:s första...
Världsmiljödag den 5 juni och till femtioårsjubileet för Stockholmskonferensen. Mötet hålls på Stockholmsmässan i Älvsjö i Stockholm. Det är troligt att mötet innehåller en hel del digitala inslag och sändningar.
Pitkäkestoista COVID-19 -tautia tutkitaan kiivaasti. Neurologian professori Risto O. Roineen mukaan parin kuukauden kuluessa selviää, paljonko omikronmuunnos aiheuttaa pitkäkestoisia oireita.
Risto O. Roineen mukaan uusimmissa, laajoissa seurantatutkimuksissa on selvinnyt, että pitkäkestoisia oireita on noin joka toisella koronan sairastaneista aikuisista.
Omikronista tietoa ei vielä tässä vaiheessa ole – toistaiseksi ei Roineen mukaan ole näyttöä siitä, että se aiheuttaisi aiempia muunnoksia vähemmän pitkäkestoisia oireita.
Yhdysvaltain tartuntatautiviraston, CDC:n määritelmän (siirryt toiseen palveluun) mukaan pitkäkestoisen koronataudin keskeisiä oireita ovat muun muassa hengitysvaikeudet, uupumus, fyysisen tai kognitiivisen rasituksen alentunut sietokyky sekä keskittymisvaikeus, niin kutsuttu aivosumu
The now retracted paper halted hydroxychloroquine trials. Studies like this determine how people live or die tomorrow
The Lancet has made one of the biggest retractions in modern history. How could this happen?
by Dr James Heathers
This article is mostly abt possible flaws in peer review. The article is an apology for the Lancet's mistake in publishing bad science
On October 3, 2016, the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded to Yoshinori Ohsumi for “discoveries of the mechanisms for autophagy.” Just a few weeks earlier, at an acceptance speech for the 2016 Paul Janssen Award, Yoshinori Ohsumi stated that although he performs research in a simple organism—baker’s yeast—he always hoped his research would have an impact upon human health.
(ur abstract för https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5240711/)
Pressenza article , March 2021: The European Citizens' Initiative 'Right to Cure', a coalition of over 200 European civil society organizations from 14 European countries, reached a
"31% der Bevölkerung ab 15 Jahren haben ein stark erhöhtes Risiko für eine schwere COVID-19-Erkrankung"
Zahl des Monats der Abteilung für Epidemiologie und Gesundheitsmonitoring am Robert Koch-Institut.
Open access. Over the past decades, the health sector in general has increasingly acknowledged the effectiveness of interprofessional clinical training in enhancing teamwork. In psychiatry, however, knowledge of the benefits of collaborative clinical training is sparse. This study aimed to investigate the impact of interprofessional training on students’ readiness for interprofessional collaboration in a psychiatric ward.
For the production of medical knowledge as a public good
Initiated by BUKO Pharma-Kampagne and medico international (Germany), Outras Palavras (Brazil), People’s Health Movement and Society for International Development
The world has become a patient. The disease is called Covid-19 and it has shown us all the unavoidable interconnectedness of the planet. A remedy is only possible globally or not at all - this is one of the most important lessons of the pandemic that no one can escape. In the interest of humanity, the world should work together in solidarity, and within the framework of global political institutions to find a vaccine and medicines that can be produced and distributed on a need basis.
Diza ligger vaken på nätterna bredvid sin fyra månader gamla son. I huvudet snurrar allt hon har läst på nätet. Ska hon tillåta att han vaccineras mot sjukdomar som mässling och polio? När träffade hon senast någon med mässling? Trots att vi lever i en pandemi tycks antivaccin-rörelsen koppla ett allt hårdare grepp om de unga föräldrarna. Journalisterna Anna Nordbeck och Malin Olofsson har infiltrerat antivaccinationsrörelsen i mer än 1,5 år. De har förvånats över all värme och gemenskap som präglar rörelsen. Men ju djupare in i rörelsen de lyckats komma, desto tydligare har det också blivit att det finns metoder och mål som oroliga föräldrar inte ska få reda på.
Forbes Mar 15, 2017 : Mike [Dr. Michael Yeadon, an ex chief of research at Pfizer] was told in the fall of 2010 that Pfizer was closing the Allergy & Respiratory diseases programs and his own role as the CSO of this group was being eliminated. Rather than seek employment elsewhere, Mike had others ideas.
Marcus Rosenlund 2017, uppdaterad dec 2020 "Dr. Zabdiel Boylston reste senare till London där han publicerade sina resultat och blev 1726 invald i Royal Society. Cotton Mather hade fått ta emot samma ära två år tidigare.
Det slutliga genombrottet i kriget mot smittkopporna kom sedan 1796, då den engelske läkaren Edward Jenner tog fram det första regelrätta vaccinet mot smittkoppor.
Det var också han som myntade ordet ”vaccin”, från latinets vacca som betyder ko. Jenner hade noterat att mjölkpigorna på en gård i Berkshire tenderade att ha fin hy, utan vanprydande koppärr. Det berodde på att de utsattes för kokoppor som bara ger milda symptom hos människor, men ger immunitet också mot smittkoppor. "
"Dessutom så känns det otroligt orättvist att Microsoftmiljardären Bill Gates ska behöva ta emot så mycket dynga - filantropen Gates har ju räddat miljoner människoliv genom fonden som bär Gates och hans hustrus namn.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation har bland annat finansierat ett stort antal sjukvårds- och utbildningsprojekt i tredje världen. Det här inkluderar att bekämpa aids bland barn i fattiga länder och att vaccinera 40 miljoner barn mot polio. Sedan grundandet av stiftelsen är det beräknat att 6,9 miljoner liv har blivit räddade från diverse sjukdomar.
Som om det här inte skulle vara nog så har Gates testamenterat 90% av sin återstående egendom till välgörande ändamål. Ändå har han under de senaste åren fått iklä sig rollen som ärkedjävul i diverse foliehattars fantasier. Som man säger, otack är världens lön."
av Germán Velásquez LMD april 2013: Face à la cupidité des laboratoires pharmaceutiques, un projet de traité international vise à découpler le coût de la recherche et le prix des médicaments. Certains mécanismes permettent d'ores et déjà d'orienter la recherche vers les maladies endémiques au Sud.
The big question that neither Big Food or Big Vax want to see the public ask is whether vaccinations are driving pandemics, not just because of crowding but because of the uniform immunity created by the animal bio-engineering behind CAFOs.
To create an “on-patient,” decentralized medical record, the researchers developed a new type of copper-based quantum dots, which emit light in the near-infrared spectrum. The dots are only about 4 nanometers in diameter, but they are encapsulated in biocompatible microparticles that form spheres about 20 microns in diameter. This encapsulation allows the dye to remain in place, under the skin, after being injected.