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    High-strength self-compacting concrete (HSSCC) is a special concrete that mixes self-compacting and high-strength properties. The production of HSSCC may require a high cement content, which increases the cost and limits production. This research focuses on producing HSSCC using glass powder (GP) to reduce the cement content and absorb glass waste. In this research, the experimental study was conducted on the degree of eleven experimental mixtures for SCC samples. Two types of glass waste powder (bottle glass powder and window glass powder) were added as a partial substitute for cement in proportions 10-50% by weight of cement. To evaluate the performance of GP, tests on workability, compressive strength, and transport characteristics (Chloride Permeability, Sorptivity Coefficient, and Water Permeability) were performed. The results showed that adding GP to concrete improved its fresh properties, which met the requirements of EFNARC specifications. The results also showed that adding GP decreased compressive strength with an increase in replacement rates. On the other hand, the transport properties improved, and the water and chloride permeability decreased with GP compared to the reference mixture. Keywords: High-strength self-compacting concrete, bottle glass powder, window glass powder, fresh properties, compressive strength, transport properties
    a year ago by @tariq.laib
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