On March 3, 1845, German mathematician Georg Cantor, creator of the set theory was born Set Theory is considered the fundamental theory of mathematics. He also proved that the real numbers are "more numerous" than the natural numbers, which was quite shocking for his contemporaries that there should be different numbers of infinity.
Die Buchform und halbjährliche Erscheinungsweise mit jeweiligem Schwerpunktthema sind von uns bewußt gewählt worden: Popkultur bedeutet uns mehr als ein Wegwerfprodukt. Ausgiebig recherchierte Artikel und historische Überblicksdarstellungen sind uns
"Historiophoty" is Robert Rosentstone's term for our representing history visually and filmically; in contrast, according to White, is "historiography," representing history verbally, in prose.
a science game: "a virtual Darwinian aquarium .. you initiate a primordial soup, and .. check up on what Virtual Mother Nature is up to - about every 15 min. (or every few days)"
longstanding and well maintained site by Internet humanities pioneer, George P. Landow. Organized by country and by conceptual approaches. Courses linked to. Useful internal search engine.