This article presents with an solution on how to page through large amountsofdata effectively without taking down your database and without keeping it all in memory.
When system performance on Linux is affected by using too many file descriptors, usually an error can be seen in the log file '(Too many open files)'. Although this affects the entire system, it is a fairly common problem.
This mini-HowTo assumes that you’re running Debian Unstable (Sid), but it should also work if you’re using Testing or even Ubuntu. It also assumes you’re doing all these steps as root.
Refactoring Java code is far simpler than refactoring a relational database, but fortunately that isn't so much the case with object databases. In this installment of The busy Java developer's guide to db4o, Ted Neward introduces you to yet another advant
Quite an old article on JavaWorld: "As part of the Java language, the java.lang package is implicitly imported into every Java program. This package's pitfalls surface often, affecting most programmers. This month, I'll discuss the traps lurking in the Runtime.exec() method."