The Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) introduced a design paradigm, which talks about a highly decoupled service deployment where the services talk to each other over the network with a…
Read on to learn the basics of OAuth 2.0, key terms, registering clients and getting client credentials, etc., as well as to learn how to get access tokens.
OAuth 2 is an authorization framework that enables applications to obtain limited access to user accounts on an HTTP service, such as Facebook, GitHub, and DigitalOcean. It works by delegating user authentication to the service that hosts the user acc
I’ve been writing Go (Golang when not spoken) since r59 — a pre 1.0 release — and have been building HTTP APIs and services in Go for the past seven years. At Machine Box, most of my technical work…
Golang have a great http server package: net/http As always, it’s simple and very powerful. Define the function that handle a route, and let’s listen to port 80. Nice, but let’s use a more powerfull…
Eclipse HTTP Client (HTTP4e) is an Eclipse plugin for making HTTP and RESTful calls. Build with user experience in mind, it simplifies the developer/QA job of testing Web Services, REST, JSON and HTTP. It is a useful tool for your daily job of HTTP header tampering and hacking.
XINS is an open-source Web Services framework supporting HTTP protocols such as REST, SOAP, XML-RPC, JSON, JSON-RPC and more.
From the specifications written in simple XML, XINS generates the Client API (.jar), the Java server code template (.war), the WSDL and the documentation of the specification in HTML (with the test forms) or in OpenDocument format.