There's a lot more to text manipulation than cut and paste, particularly when you aren't using a GUI. Study for the Linux Professional Institute Certification (LPIC) 101 exam, or learn for fun. In this article, Ian Shields introduces you to text manipulation on Linux using filters from the GNU textutils package. By the end of this article, you will be manipulating text like an expert.
This article introduces core Semantic Web concepts and standards, and explains how to expose an LDAP directory as a service that Semantic Web applications can consume using the open source SquirrelRDF utility.
Need portable documents that, unlike most XML documents, include representation information? This article introduces XSL-FO (XML Stylesheet Language-Formatting Objects) and explains how it can come to the rescue. To demonstrate the advantage of using XSL-FO, the article includes an example implementation of a database reporting system that uses Java and XML code.
I take you on a simple stroll through Lisp's basic constructs and then ramp up quickly. You'll see Lambda expressions, recursion, and macros. This quick tour should give you an appreciation of Lisp's productivity and flexibility.
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