The vote on the resolution was not unanimous. Some of the nuclear-armed states and their allies actively lobbied against this study, possibly out of concern that more knowledge on what these weapons of mass destruction do would further erode any citizens’ support for having nuclear weapons. Only France, the Russian Federation and the United Kingdom voted against the resolution. However, the vast majority of states (144) – ranging from those that lead on disarmament and have been impacted by nuclear weapons testing in previous decades to those whose policies support the use of nuclear weapons – chose to commission this critical study.
ICAN and PAX’s latest Don’t Bank on the Bomb Report:“Perilous Profiteering: The companies building nuclear arsenals and their financial backers” exposes the financial institutions making $685 billion available to the nuclear weapon producing companies like Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Airbus, Northrop Grumman and Leonardo, and shows how divestment is seriously shaking up the industry.
The nine nuclear-dependent nations and their supporters face a future in which they will be increasingly isolated.
Illustrating the complexity of differing positions on the treaty are the 43 nations under the UN Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Asia and the Pacific (UNRCPD). More than one-third of the 43 countries have ratified the TPNW, but the bloc also includes four nuclear-armed states: China, North Korea, India and Pakistan.
Yuriy Kryvonos, director of UNRCPD, said nuclear-armed states often claim their arsenals serve as a deterrence tool. “Against whom [does] this deterrence tool exist? Against other nuclear-armed states.” The argument, he said, is “nonsense” because a nuclear war cannot be won; claiming protection from nuclear weapons is an illusion. Arguments that the TPNW undermines the NPT, Kryvonos insisted, do not hold water.
Peace Boat carries out various projects and campaigns to promote peace, human rights and sustainability. Working with partner organizations and individuals in Japan, Northeast Asia and around the world, Peace Boat uses local grassroots actions, international conferences, global networking and media, as well as its ship, to raise awareness and make a positive impact on socio-political, economic and environmental issues.
Presented as part of “Truth, Dissent, & the Legacy of Daniel Ellsberg: A 50th Anniversary Conference Commemorating the Release of the Pentagon Papers” by the University of Massachusetts Amherst with The GroundTruth Project on April 30, and May 1, 2021.
This conference was collectively organized by the UMass Amherst Departments of History and Journalism; Special Collections and University Archives, UMass Amherst Libraries; the UMass Amherst College of Humanities and Fine Arts; and The GroundTruth Project, with generous support from the Office of the Chancellor.
A city guide to divestment
Divesting from producers of controversial weapons: a guide for local authorities
More and more people are moving to cities. The growing trend towards urbanization means that the traditional role of Mayors and City Councils is expanding. To protect their citizens, municipal leaders must embrace a wide range of approaches towards securing their cities. This new reality is reflected in the UN Sustainable Development Goals, particularly Goal 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.
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