Personal webpages of researchers or faculty members make up a percentage of the academic web. These webpages contain semi-structured or plain text information, and research has shown the importance...
One in 100 Americans are sociopathic. How do you spot the psychopath among your work colleagues? Professor Robert Hare, of the University of British Columbia, is a world expert on the "snakes in suits" who scale corporate ladders with consummate ease. He
One in 100 Americans are sociopathic. How do you spot the psychopath among your work colleagues? Professor Robert Hare, of the University of British Columbia, is a world expert on the "snakes in suits" who scale corporate ladders with consummate ease. He
X. Wang, L. Tokarchuk, and S. Poslad. Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM), 2014 IEEE/ACM International Conference on, page 395-398. (August 2014)