Because cytokines share many properties with hormones and growth factors, the distinction between these three classes of mediators is becoming blurred. Any classification of cytokines represents a somewhat arbitrary arrangement on the part of the individu
PERSISTENT LOW-GRADE INFLAMMATION, as indicated by higher circulating levels of inflammatory mediators such as C-reactive protein, interleukin-6 and tumour necrosis factor-, is a strong risk factor for several chronic diseases. There are data indicating t
This article provides a list of anti-inflammatory foods and allows you to learn how to not let inflammation stall your weight loss. The fatty tissues of the body secrete hormones that regulate the immune system and inflammation, but in the case of an over
This article provides a list of anti-inflammatory foods and allows you to learn how to not let inflammation stall your weight loss. The fatty tissues of the body secrete hormones that regulate the immune system and inflammation, but in the case of an over