Check an insightful discussion on which tool is better as regards Power BI Vs. Tableau and which one to choose in order to help you do your job better.
Continuous Integration is a software development practice where members of a team integrate their work frequently, usually each person integrates at least daily - leading to multiple integrations per day. Each integration is verified by an automated build (including test) to detect integration errors as quickly as possible. Many teams find that this approach leads to significantly reduced integration problems and allows a team to develop cohesive software more rapidly. This article is a quick overview of Continuous Integration summarizing the technique and its current usage.
Integration components, mostly for Attlassian products. Claiming that these products run out-of-the-box and save 1000s of costs for individual integration.
UltraESB is the first [and still the only] Open Source Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) to utilize Zero-copy proxying with Memory Mapped files and Java Non-Blocking IO for extreme performance!
eSciDoc is an eResearch environment developed specifically for use by scientific and scholarly communities to collaborate globally and interdisciplinary. It comprises a set of services and solutions that enable innovative eScience scenarios: Scientists, librarians, and software developers can work with research data, create novel forms of publications, and establish new ways of scientific and scholarly communication. more...
The objective of this project is to enable seamless integration between webMethods and the jasper intelligence suite. It allows pixel perfect reporting solutions with complex data integration requirements to be developed in minutes.
Swizzle started out as some stream-based parsing code I've had sitting around for quite some time. Once the project was established, it became my dumping ground for all things of a swizzling nature; poking at or mucking with unprocessed or unusable data. Generally, to swizzle unconsumable data into a consumable form.
JBoss old timer, Red Hatter, and successful open source entrepreneur. Co-wrote two books as well as a few other in print and online publications. Husband, father of two, and New England Patriots season ticket holder since 1993.
Obba provides a bridge from spreadsheets to Java classes. With Obba, you can easily build spreadsheet GUIs (Excel or OpenOffice) to Java code. Its main features are:
* Loading of arbitrary jar or class files at runtime through an spreadsheet function.
* Instantiation of Java objects, storing the object reference under a given object label.
* Invocation of methods on objects referenced by their object handle, storing the handle to the result under a given object label.
* Asynchronous method invocation and tools for synchronization, turning your spreadsheet into a multi-threaded calculation tool.
* Allows arbitrary number of arguments for constructors or methods (avoids the limitation of the number of arguments for Excel worksheet functions).
* Serialization and de-serialization (save Serializable objects to a file, restore them any time later).
* All this though spreadsheet functions, without any additional line of code (no VBA needed, no additional Java code needed).
For a more detailed introduction see the Obba documentation
Obba is small.
Obba for Excel consists of three files (these files will be installed by an an installer Install Obba for Excel.exe):
* Obba.xla: An Excel Add-in providing workbook functions like obMake(), obCall(), obGet().
* Obba.dll: The bridge from Excel to Java.
* Obba.jar: The Java object handler and the Obba control panel.
Obba for OpenOffice consists of one file:
* Obba.oxt: The Obba Add-in including the OpenOffice adapter and Obba.jar (the Java object handler and the Obba control panel).
oday, 3rd party data consumption means...
* API throttling & high latency
* Competing protocols
* One-off data integrations
* Identity discovery challenges
* More grunt work than any of us like to do
None of these issues are insurmountable, most are not even complicated. They're hassles. An exponentially growing set of hassles that distract you from the features of your service that your users actually care about. Gnip is here to help. We make it easy to aggregate user data so that you can focus on doing something cool with it.
JSF Flex goal is to provide users capability in creating standard Flex components as JSF components. So users would create the components as normal JSF components and the project will create the necessary SWC, SWF files and etcetera and link the values of the components back to the managed beans using JSON+Javascript and Actionscript. {standard Flex components has been open sourced through MPL license}
Currently many of the standard rich flex widgets (buttons, sliders, inputs [richTextEditor, textArea, ...], progressbars, colorpickers, various panels [accordion, tabBar, ...], and etcetera) have been written as intention of support.
Teaser for an interesting book...
EAI - The Broader Perspective
No one should have (or will) ever dared to build a 'Single System' which will take care of the entire business requirements of an enterprise. Instead, we build few (or many) systems,and each of them takes care of a set of functionalities in a single Line of Business (LOB). There is absolutely nothing wrong here, but the need of the hour is that these systems have to exchange information and interoperate in many new ways which have not been foreseen earlier. Business grows, enterprise boundaries expands and mergers and acquisition are all norms of the day. If IT cannot scale up with these volatile environments, the failure is not far.
OW2 is a global open-source software community which goal is the development of open-source distributed middleware, in the form of flexible and adaptable components. These components range from specific software frameworks and protocols to integrated platforms. OW2 developments follow a component-based approach.
The consortium is an independent non-profit organization open to companies, institutions and individuals.
OW2 mission is to develop open source code middleware and to foster a vibrant community and business ecosystem.
OW2 is committed to growing a community of open source code developers. The organization is dedicated to the creation of new technology: original code development is one of its fundamental characteristics. As the organization becomes part of the open source marketplace, it also stresses the quality and market usability of its software. It fosters a common technical architecture to be shared by its members and to facilitate the implementation of its technology by systems integrators and end-users.
The OW2 projects aim at facilitating the development, deployment and management of distributed applications with a focus on open source middleware and related development and management tools. In the open source software value chain, OW2 is positioned as an industry platform facilitating interaction between open source code Producers and open source code Consumers.
The XAware project provides real time data integration with a service-oriented flavor. XAware makes other tools and frameworks much more productive by hiding data complexity behind "XML views". XML views span any number of data sources, and can read data, write data, or transfer data between sets of sources, all within a distributed transaction.
L. Obrst. CIKM '03: Proceedings of the twelfth international conference on
Information and knowledge management, page 366--369. New York, NY, USA, ACM, (2003)
L. Obrst. CIKM '03: Proceedings of the twelfth international conference on Information and knowledge management, page 366--369. New York, NY, USA, ACM, (2003)