FOSS ILS in Academic Libraries. A map of academic libraries using a FOSS ILS. Data from - Koha (yellow) - Evergreen (green) - OPALS (purple) - NewGenLib (red)
FOSS ILS in Public Libraries A map of public libraries using a FOSS ILS. Data from I've used a single entry for each consortium / multi-library system, and indicated how many libraries are in each where possibl
Wikipedia: "According to the Settlement Agreement, the Registry will own and maintain a rights information database for all books (and parts of books) covered by the Agreement and their authors and publishers. It will also resolve disputes between rightsh
"Rolf Källman, tillträdande (1 sept.) chef för samordningssekretariatet för digitalisering, talar 34 minuter in i filmen om vikten av öppenhet och frihet, tydlig uppmärkning genom användandet av Creative Commons-licenser, med mera. Detta reformarbete ska
Discussions by the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) Standing Committee on Copyright & Related Rights (SCCR) broke down in the early hours of Saturday morning 3 May, after the European Union (EU) attempted to block future discussion of copyright laws to aid libraries and archives fulfill their missions in the digital environment.
Milton Mueller: " The case for freedom of information, I argue, must be grounded in a political commitment to liberalism; i.e., individual freedom of action, not in an ethical obligation to share software or information as such."
Bob Pasnau, University of Colorado (‘In medias’ aspires to assemble in one place the latest information pertaining to scholars of medieval philosophy. This blog will avoid rants and philosophical musings, confining itself itself to news and notes of general interest to medievalists.) on library ebooks from Oxford University Press. copyfight
The Copy South Research Group, "after more than 18 months of research", has produced a dossier that contains "more than 50 articles examining many dimensions of the issue across the global South"