T. Riechert, U. Morgenstern, S. Auer, S. Tramp, and M. Martin. Proceedings of the 9th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2010), volume 6497 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 225--240. Shanghai / China, Springer, (2010)
S. Auer, and S. Hellmann. Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'12), Istanbul, Turkey, European Language Resources Association (ELRA), (May 2012)(companion publication for the Keynote at LREC 2012).
S. Tramp, P. Frischmuth, T. Ermilov, and S. Auer. Proceedings of the EKAW 2010 - Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management by the Masses; 11th October-15th October 2010 - Lisbon, Portugal, volume 6317 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI), page 135--149. Berlin / Heidelberg, Springer, (October 2010)
M. Martin, and S. Auer. proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Advances in Semantic Processing (SEMAPRO2010) 25 October -- 30 October, Florence, Italy, (October 2010)