VIDÉO - Apolline de Malherbe reçoit Emmanuel Todd, démographe et auteur de "La défaite de l'Occident", dans "Face-à-Face" sur BFMTV et RMC, ce jeudi 11 janvier 2024. Apolline de Malherbe reçoit à 8h35 les candidats à la présidentielle pour une interview en direct et en simultané sur BFMTV et RMC. Chaque...
Die Militarisierung der internationalen Politik führt zur Feindseligkeit, statt zu mehr Frieden zwischen den Gesellschaften. |
Michael Müller, Peter Brandt, Reiner Braun
Ein Gastbeitrag in der Berliner Zeitung, veröffentlicht am 11.1.2025
Norbert Häring: 7. 01. 2025 | Unbeeindruckt von der beträchtlichen Aufregung, die mein Beitrag zum Index der gefährlichen Bücher eines Bibliothekar-Verbands erzeugt hat, lädt die öffentlich finanzierte Büchereizentrale Niedersachsen Bibliothekare zu einem Seminar über „Medien an den Rändern“ ein. Zwei an der Erstellung des Index beteiligte Bibliothekare erklären den Teilnehmern, wie man das Publikum davor bewahrt, rechtem oder anderweitig falschem Gedankengut aufzusitzen.
While TikTok is taking up much oxygen in our media ecosystem, another Chinese app provides a more interesting point of departure from which to discuss Sino-American relations. That app is Xuexi Qiangguo.
Opettaja masturboi videolla oppilaiden edessä, oppikirja kertoo, että mieskin voi synnyttää ja Elokapina esittelee kouluissa toimintaansa – mutta barokkikonsertti perutaan uskonnollisuuden takia, ihmettelee Iltalehden kolumnisti Sanna Ukkola.
Over the past five years, we, the undersigned, members of civil society organizations, have been actively defending Ukraine’s sovereignty and national |
källskydd, meddelarfrihet. 2016. Enligt journalisten Julie Posetti är det här bara ett nytt exempel på trenden med försämrat källskydd. Det visar att det inte bara är ett problem i till exempel u-länder.
Den jordanska journalisten Rana Sabbagh, som leder organisationen för grävande journalister i arabvärlden, har varit med och jobbat med Panamapappren.
Friday Every Day I
The international media is stunningly biased against China, data from a multi-year study has confirmed.
Out of 133 lengthy analyses of China in the Financial Times “Big Read” column over a four-year period, only two articles presented China positively, researchers in Hong Kong and London discovered.
Separate studies of the Guardian and the BBC showed that 90% of China stories were negatively framed.
n the researched period to July 2021, there were 576 reports on China in the UK Telegraph, of which only 2.5% took a positive stance.
Newsweek Jan 24, 2023. Despite being elected in 2019 on the platform of fighting corruption, the Ukrainian president was found to have a network of companies based in tax havens.
av Jonathan Turley 29 juli 2024
Below is my column in The Hill on the recent notice that this blog is now being formally "reviewed" by NewsGuard, a company that I just criticized in a prior Hill column as a threat to free speech. The questions from NewsGuard were revealing and concerning. Today, I have posted the response of NewsGuard's co-founder…
By Jonathan Turley (Professor of Public Interest Law at George Washington University.)
I hope that our readers have read the response of NewsGuard's Gordon Crovitz to my recent criticism of the company's rating system for news sites. He makes important points, including the fact that the company has given high ratings to conservative sites and low ratings to some liberal sites. I have mutual friends of both…
I am particularly concerned over the reported government contracts given to NewsGuard by the Biden Administration as well as agreements with teacher unions to help filter or rate sites. The Twitter Files have shown an extensive system of funding and coordination between agencies and these companies. The funding of such private rating or targeting operations is precisely what I have warned about in congressional testimony as a type of “censorship by surrogate.” The government has been attempting to achieve forms of censorship indirectly that it is barred from achieving directly under the First Amendment.
Was kann die Nato für die Ukraine tun? Was passiert, wenn Trump die US-Wahlen gewinnt? U.a. mit Omid Nouripour, Sahra Wagenknecht und Claus Kleber
Nato in der Krise – stark genug gegen Putin?
"maybrit illner" – Der Polit-Talk im ZDF vom 11. Juli 2024
Sanna Ukkola Iltalehti.
4.7.24Dakota Robin. On typerryttävää katsella, kuinka toimittajia erikseen sysitään pois klassisen journalismin periaatteista. Ei ihme, että Yle kieltäytyy luovuttamasta tietoja koulutuksista, kirjoittaa Sanna Ukkola.
är marinbasen White Beach bjuder in lokalinvånarna till öppet hus. Foto: Alexander MahmoudInvånare på ön Okinawa protesterar mot den amerikanska närvaron som de tycker skapar omänskliga bullernivåer, för med sig olyckor och förstör miljön.
On Monday, June 3, the Ukrainian government banned the World Socialist Web Site across the country, issuing an order commanding all internet service providers to block access to the WSWS indefinitely.
The decision to ban the WSWS is a response to the outpouring of support within Ukraine and internationally for Bogdan Syrotiuk, a 25-year-old socialist internationalist who was arrested by the Zelensky regime on April 25 on trumped up charges of “high treason” for writing articles for the WSWS, which SBU prosecutors (Ukraine’s domestic intelligence agency) deceitfully claim is “Russian propaganda.” Syrotiuk and the organization to which he belongs, the Young Guard of Bolshevik-Leninists (YGBL), are Trotskyists and irreconcilable opponents of the US-NATO war against Russia as well as the capitalist government of Vladimir Putin.
di Giuseppe Cassara È triste e frustrante vedere come le segnalazioni a questi due giornali si susseguano e che non ci siano, materialmente, conseguenze.
A naturally ventilated poly house, also known as a naturally ventilated greenhouse, is a greenhouse structure designed to harness natural airflow for temperature regulation and climate control. Unlike traditional greenhouses equipped with mechanical ventilation systems, naturally ventilated polyhouses leverage passive ventilation techniques to maintain optimal growing conditions for crops.
Different Names:
Naturally Ventilated Greenhouses
Eco-Friendly Polyhouses
Sustainable Crop Shelters
Passive Ventilation Enclosures
Climate-Smart Growing Structures
Agricultural greenhouse and polyhouse farming have revolutionized the way we cultivate crops, providing controlled environments conducive to year-round production. Yet, even within these sheltered spaces, crops remain vulnerable to external forces, particularly in mountainous regions prone to sudden hailstorms. The consequences of hail damage extend beyond immediate financial loss, affecting livelihoods and food security. Hence, the imperative for effective crop protection measures becomes evident.
Before delving into the intricacies of shade net houses, it’s important to understand the basics of dragon fruit cultivation. Dragon fruit, also known as pitaya, is a tropical fruit that thrives in warm climates with well-draining soil. It belongs to the cactus family and has a striking appearance with its vibrant colors and unique shape. To successfully cultivate dragon fruit, several key factors must be taken into consideration. These include suitable soil pH levels, irrigation practices, and proper pruning techniques. Additionally, pollination plays a vital role in the fruiting process, making it necessary to introduce bees or other pollinators to the growing area.
Blueberry, also referred as Vaccinium myrtillus as scientific nomenclature thrives on very small shrubs, about 50 cm high, in light undergrowth with acidic soil. This plant is native to North America.
In contrast, cultivated blueberry shrubs can reach up to 2.50 m in height and produce larger fruits than their wild counterparts. Blueberry bushes require specific growing conditions; excessive wind, dryness, and alkaline soil can damage and weaken the crop.
Cultivating blueberry bushes in plastic greenhouses (tunnel type) with climate control technology and suitable soil or substrate promotes higher yield and better quality.
In the dynamic world of agriculture, blueberry farmers are always on the lookout for innovative methods to boost productivity, enhance fruit quality, and embrace sustainable farming practices. High tunnels have emerged as a revolutionary solution in blueberry cultivation, offering numerous benefits that help farmers overcome traditional challenges and seize new opportunities. This setup helps regulate temperature, humidity, and protects plants from adverse weather conditions. This comprehensive guide delves into how high tunnels can transform blueberry farming, driving higher yields and superior quality produce.
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Being Catholic Media has placed great emphasis on this divine gift from God for the times we are living in. The Divine Will given to us through The Servant Of God Luisa Piccarreta – bear the approval and the imprimatur of the Catholic Church. Here is the link to Fr. Joseph Iannuzzi – priestly authority and theologian on Luisa Piccarreta and his publications on the Divine Will. is a Google News site covering UK and international stories, surveys and news and whilst our editors work hard on publishing the latest articles, we simply can’t keep up with everything that happens – which is why we’d love for you to contribute!
In today’s world, where population growth and climate change pose significant challenges to our food production systems, finding innovative ways to maximize crop yield is crucial. One approach that has gained increasing popularity is protected cultivation, which involves creating controlled environments to promote optimal plant growth. This article explores the concept of protected cultivation and highlights the benefits of combining it with greenhouse agricultural structures.
Svenskars syn på Sveriges utveckling är rekordnegativ. Det visar den nationella SOM-undersökningen vid Göteborgs universitet som presenteras idag.Den nationella ...
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