One way to try to get a handle on what's happening in a scientific field is to study citations in research papers. n a visualization of a complex network with many links, however, it can be very difficult to recognize significant patterns amid the clutter
Subscription models make publishers insist on controlling access to research they didn't perform, write up, or fund. They act like a midwives who insist on keeping (or hiding, or performing surgery on) other folks' babies.
"Academic literature should be freely available: developing countries need access; part time ... thinkers ... journalists and the public can benefit; ... you’ve already paid for much of this stuff with your taxes ... important new ideas from humanity"
A single protein in the brain influences arousal of despair, according to new study in mice. Brain biopsies revealed that mice trying hardest to escape shocks had highest levels of delta-FosB - which may also help humans avoid hopelessness & helplessness.
Centro di Ricerche in Bioclimatologia Medica, Biotecnologie e Medicine Naturali. Universita degli Studi di Milano. World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Center for Traditional Medicine. Nonconventional Medicines. Bioclimatology and Thermal Med