A great jump towards the advent of the Semantic Web will take place when a critical mass of web resources is available for use in a semantic way. This goal can be reached by the creation of semantic meta-data in the publication workflow, or by the develop
SIMILE is focused on developing robust, open source tools based on Semantic Web technologies that improve access, management and reuse among digital assets.
The Haystack Project is investigating approaches designed to let people manage their information in ways that make the most sense to them. By removing arbitrary application-created barriers, which handle only certain information “types” and relationships as defined by the developer, we aim to let users define their most effective arrangements and connections between views of information. Such personalization of information management will dramatically improve everyone’s ability to find what they need when they need it.
OntoWiki is a tool providing support for agile, distributed knowledge engineering scenarios.
OntoWiki facilitates the visual presentation of a knowledge base as an information map, with different views on instance data. It enables intuitive authoring of semantic content, with an inline editing mode for editing RDF content, similar to WYSIWIG for text documents.
Communities und soziale Netzwerke sind hochdynamische Gebilde die durch vielfältige, agile Beziehungen zwischen den Akteuren sowie deren Verknüpfungen mit verschiedensten Konzepten (z.B. Themen, Aufgaben, etc) gekennzeichnet sind.
Der Betrieb derartiger Wissensnetze (als Zusammenschlüsse von Wissensträgern) stellen die unterschiedlichen Akteure innerhalb der Communities vor nicht unerhebliche Aufgaben – so beispielsweise im Rahmen des aktiven Managements der behandelnden Themenstellungen, des Partnermanagements bzw. der Suche nach Akteuren mit entsprechendem Know-how.
Das Projekt "SemNetMan" (Semantisch basiertes Netzwerkmanagement) führt Methoden der vernetzten Wissensgesellschaft, wie etwa die Social Network Analysis (SNA) und die Techniken des Semantic Web, zusammen und unterstützt das Netzwerkmanagement mit Fokus auf die Teambildung und die Verknüpfung von Themen und Personen.
M. Magableh, A. Cau, H. Zedan, and M. Ward. Proceedings of the IADIS International Conferences Collaborative Technologies 2010 and Web Based Communities 2010, page 178--182. (July 2010)
C. Saathoff, and A. Scherp. Proceedings of the Workshop on Semantic Multimedia Database Technologies, 10th International Workshop of the Multimedia Metadata Community (SeMuDaTe 2009), (2009)
C. Saathoff, and A. Scherp. Proceedings of the Workshop on Semantic Multimedia Database Technologies, 10th International Workshop of the Multimedia Metadata Community (SeMuDaTe 2009), Graz, Austria, (2009)
J. Sieglerschmidt, F. von Hagel, and J. Sieglerschmidt. http://opus.bsz-bw.de/swop/volltexte/2008/277/, (2008)Convergence of internet services in the cultural heritage sector – the long way to common vocabularies, metadata formats, ontologies.
Beitrag von Jörn Sieglerschmidt, Bibliotheksservice-Zentrum Baden-Württemberg, Konstanz und
Frank von Hagel, Institut für Museumskunde, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz
zur CIDOC-Jahrestagung im September 2006 in Göteborg "Wider perspective - Broader base"
Since several years it has been observed that information offered by different know-ledge producing institutions on the internet is more and more interlinked. This tendency will increase, because the fragmented information offers on the internet make the retrieval of information difficult or even impossible. At the same time the quantity of information offered on the internet grows exponentially in Europe – and elsewhere - due to many digitization projects. Inasfar as funding institutions base the acceptance of projects on the observation of certain documentation standards the knowledge created will be retrievable and will remain so for a long time. Otherwise the retrieval of infor-mation will become a matter of chance due to the limits of fragmented, knowledge pro-ducing social groups.
Die NBN mit Prüfziffer lautet: urn:nbn:de:bsz:576-opus-2770.