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    a tool for measuring code metrics of Java applications. Contrary to other tools, Meaxure works with Java source files instead of class files and aims to be extendable. Currently Meaxure supports common metrics like lines of code, number of classes, number of methods or cyclomatic complexity. Due to it's reliance on source files it does not support metrics which cannot be calculated from individual source files like depth of inheritance tree or number of children. Meaxure supports reporting violations to certain metrics. Rules for violations can be specified using XPath expressions,
    18 years ago by @gresch

    Dependometer is a java based analysis tool for java projects. Features are: Use a logical architecture description in terms of Layers and Subsystems and their physical mapping (n Packages implement a Subsystem) and check logical architecture violations. * Analyze the dependency architecture between Layers, Subsystems, Packages, Compilation Units (Java files) and Types (Classes and Interfaces) * Calculate a bunch of metrics for all elements - this includes metrics from John Lakos, Robert C. Martin and Craig Larman * Analyze cycles between elements * Define thresholds and receive feedback upon their violation Simulate via simple refactoring definitions and cutting unwanted dependencies changes to the physical structure possibly enhancing refactoring. Create a complete HTML presentation via xslt. This provides browsing capabilities from Layer (logical element) to Compilation Unit (physical element) for a discussion which physical elements cause the logical architecture to break.
    18 years ago by @gresch
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