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    Dependometer is a java based analysis tool for java projects. Features are: Use a logical architecture description in terms of Layers and Subsystems and their physical mapping (n Packages implement a Subsystem) and check logical architecture violations. * Analyze the dependency architecture between Layers, Subsystems, Packages, Compilation Units (Java files) and Types (Classes and Interfaces) * Calculate a bunch of metrics for all elements - this includes metrics from John Lakos, Robert C. Martin and Craig Larman * Analyze cycles between elements * Define thresholds and receive feedback upon their violation Simulate via simple refactoring definitions and cutting unwanted dependencies changes to the physical structure possibly enhancing refactoring. Create a complete HTML presentation via xslt. This provides browsing capabilities from Layer (logical element) to Compilation Unit (physical element) for a discussion which physical elements cause the logical architecture to break.
    vor 18 Jahren von @gresch
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