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    comparison of OCaml and SML * SML has a formal Definition * SML has a number of compilers * OCaml has built-in support for oop comparison of OCaml and MLton * Performance o Both have excellent performance o MLton performs extensive WholeProgramOptimization, which provides improvements in modular programs o MLton uses native types, like 32-bit integers, without any penalty due to tagging or boxing. OCaml uses 31-bit integers with a penalty due to tagging, and 32-bit integers with a penalty due to boxing o MLton represents records compactly by reordering and packing the fields o In MLton, polymorphic and monomorphic code have the same performance o In MLton, module boundaries have no impact on performance * MLton's ForeignFunctionInterface is simpler * Tools o OCaml has a debugger, MLton does not. o OCaml supports separate compilation, MLton does not o OCaml compiles faster than MLton. o MLton supports profiling of both time and allocation
    13 лет назад , @draganigajic
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