The AMS Newsletter is published semiannually in February and August. The February Newsletter is mailed with the new Directory and Ballot each year. The August Newsletter is mailed with the Annual Meeting information and registration form each year. Please allow three weeks for delivery in North America and six weeks for overseas.
Сегодня в самой большой рефератной коллекции РуНета хранится 50084 работ, написанных на 20 языках. Свои работы в Банке Рефератов уже разместили 15071 студентов и школьников. Общий объем всех рефератов, находящихся в 106 разделах, составляет 4,9 Гигабайта.
Home Newsletters Registration ContactWelcome!This is the official Website of the Society for Mathematics and Computation in Music (SMCM).The Society was founded in 2006 as an International Forum for researchers and musicians working in the trans-disciplinary field at the intersection of music, mathematics and computation.
Current models for capturing metric structure of recordings of music are concerned primarily with the task of tempo and beat estimation. Even though these models have the potential for extracting other metric and rhythmic information, this potential has not been realized. In this paper, a model for describing the general metric structure of audio signals and behavioral data is presented. This model employs reson filters, rather than the comb filters used in earlier models. The oscillatory nature...