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    A report released Thursday highlights the potential impact Gov. Andrew Cuomo's free public college tuition proposal could have on New York's independent and private colleges. The Commission on Independent Colleges & Universities in New York estimated that 54,079 fewer students would enroll in the state's private institutions if Cuomo's plan is adopted. The organization also estimates that 44,693 jobs would be lost due to the student reductions and communities would lose more than $224 million in tax revenue because of the ensuing job cuts. At private colleges in central New York, enrollment would decline by 4,067 students and 2,269 jobs would be cut. The surrounding communities would lose a projected $9.8 million in tax revenue, according to the study. Mary Beth Labate, a former State University of New York official who once served as Cuomo's budget director, is the president of the commission. She said the negative effects of the free tuition discussion are already being observed. "Words move markets," she said. "Enrollment is in jeopardy, capital projects have been put on hold and campuses are making plans for a series of layoffs in the coming months to close potential gaps." Abbey Fashouer, a spokeswoman for Cuomo, touted the state's support for private colleges — more than $2.4 billion in aid since 2011 — claimed that the independent institutions haven't agreed to cap "out-of-control tuition costs" at least than $500 a year for state support. "New York leads the nation in providing support to both low-income and private college students through our already robust $1 billion tuition assistance program and loan forgiveness initiatives," Fashouer said. "With private school tuition in New York averaging $34,000 a year compared to $6,400 at SUNY and CUNY — the numbers speak for themselves." Private college leaders have expressed concerns about Cuomo's proposal since it was first unveiled in January. The governor wants to provide free tuition at SUNY and City University of New York institutions for st
    7 лет назад , @prophe

    I've warmed up to Gov. Andrew Cuomo's plan to make the state's public colleges and universities tuition-free for families with an income of $125,000 or less, and here's why: Private colleges don't like it. Since the governor announced his plan in January, private colleges have expressed concern. They argue that it would limit students' choices and place private schools at a competitive disadvantage. "Taxpayers should have the opportunity to have choice and to make a decision about what would be best for themselves and their kids," College of Saint Rose President Carolyn Stefanco told The Daily Gazette last month. Please. These schools aren't concerned about student choice. They're concerned about their bottom line. Making tuition free at SUNY and CUNY schools will boost their enrollment, as parents and students carefully evaluate return on investment and opt for the more affordable option. Elite private schools might not see a huge impact, but lower-ranked schools almost certainly would. Private colleges don't want to disrupt a system that serves them reasonably well, but if there's any industry that could benefit from some disruption, it's higher education. For decades, colleges and universities have been jacking up tuition and fees at an unsustainable rate. The cost of tuition at the small private college I graduated from 19 years ago has more than doubled, and there's no justification for it. Private schools have long excused their outrageous cost increases by pointing to the generosity of their financial aid offices, and noting that many students do not pay full price. But fewer people are satisfied by this explanation, largely as a result of soaring student loan debt. In a piece in the New Republic published last August, journalist David Dayen writes that private colleges are the real enemy when it comes to reforming higher education, because they "do incredibly well under the status quo. ... At the public level, states have pulled back funding for higher education, causing some of the [cost] incre
    7 лет назад , @prophe

    Several of the region's private colleges say Gov. Andrew Cuomo's proposal for free state college would have a negative effect on their schools. WBFO's Senior Reporter Eileen Buckley says members of the Medaille College community are being encouraged to write to state lawmakers to consider an increase for the Tuition Assistance Program instead of supporting the tuition-free plan for SUNY. “The lobbying efforts that we have are in full force. We are doing it individually from our desks at our various campuses,” said Dr. Kenneth Macur, president at Medaille College. Macur said he remains skeptical about how much Cuomo's plan would cost the state and taxpayers. The Governor wants students in families earning $125,000 or less to receive tuition free scholarships to all state colleges and universities. Macur is more concerned about how it might effect a student's "right to choose" a college. “More than being worried about what happens to Medaille, I’m worried about students who are forced into huge lecture halls. Forced into schools where the graduation rates aren’t as good, where the care and concern doesn’t exist as it does at Medaille and what’s going to happen to those kids,” Macur remarked. Medaille’s tuition is a little more than $27,000. About 922 of the college's students did received $2.5 million in TAP toward their tuition. “Sticker price goes up on an annual basis two, three percent, but the actual net tuition, on average, has been going down over the last three to four years,” Macur explained. “And so even though we’ve done a great job making college affordable for students in the region, we’d be penalized by the governor’s plan.” When the governor appeared last month at rally Buffalo State College to seek support his idea, he made a remark about the cost of private education. “Average student debt $29,000, $29,000 – you just can’t do it,” said Cuomo. “One of the problems with using the debt statistics in that way, you miss that the fact that private college graduates have lower default rate
    7 лет назад , @prophe
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