Der US-Auslandsgeheimdienst durchleuchtet Kommunikation großflächig und anlasslos. Auch deutsche Behörden sind nicht zimperlich. Es ist Zeit, über Maßnahmen gegen die Erosion der eigenen Privatsphäre nachzudenken.
Die Bundesregierung verkauft die Bürger im NSA-Skandal für dumm. Kanzlerin Merkel schrumpft den Rechtsstaat und kapituliert, um nicht besiegt zu werden. (Von Nils Minkmar)
What kind of message are we sending about the viability these democratic ideals—about openness, transparency, public participation, public collaboration? How hollow must American exhortations to democracy sound to foreign ears? Mr Snowden may be responsible for having exposed this hypocrisy, for having betrayed the thug omertà at the heart of America’s domestic democracy-suppression programme, but the hypocrisy is America’s.
Daniel Ellsberg is the author of “Secrets: A Memoir of Vietnam and the Pentagon Papers.” He was charged in 1971 under the Espionage Act as well as for theft and conspiracy for copying the Pentagon Papers. The trial was dismissed in 1973 after evidence of government misconduct, including illegal wiretapping, was introduced in court.
The Financial Times and Washington Post reported on 13 June that the European Commission – before the full scope of PRISM became known – watered down its proposed Data Protection Regulation to weaken rules for transferring data to law enforcement authorities outside the EU.
Dank den Hinweisen aus den USA seien in Deutschland Anschläge verhindert worden, sagt der Innenminister. Kritik an der Datenüberwachung durch den NSA sei unangebracht.