Ydinmateriaalien löytäminen ja tunnistaminen nopeutuu ja herkistyy merkittävästi, kun Euroopan komission tutkimuslaitos JRC (Joint Research Center) Saksan Karlsruhessa saa uuden laajan geometrian sekundääri-ionimassaspektrometrin (LG-SIMS). Uutta tietoa n
David Talbot 7.6.: "Among other fallout, it’s reasonable now to expect E.U. regulators and customers to go nuclear–and U.S. companies to face tough sledding ahead." "I had a chance today to speak with Radu Sion, a computer scientist at Stony Brook University and a leading figure in cloud computing security. “Expect some interesting court battles in the E.U. based on this,” he said. “Any of these companies, if ever they were to admit this, that they allowed the government to have a tap inside their service, which according to the E.U. is not allowed, they probably could get shut down in Europe–specifically Facebook, which has a lot of users in Europe.”