Project management with collaborators,
project sharing with the public
The Open Science Framework (OSF) supports the entire research lifecycle: planning, execution, reporting, archiving, and discovery.
On Wednesday morning, June 12, I gave my paper on the three business rules projects to the ERBC: The projects were: Drools, OpenLexicon and OpenRules. It was well attended and well received. Pete Skangos and I gave everyone a copy of the book and we started an impromptu signing line, until it was a bit past the beginning of the next paper.
S. Auer, C. Bizer, J. Lehmann, G. Kobilarov, R. Cyganiak, and Z. Ives. Proceedings of the 6th International Semantic Web Conference and 2nd Asian Semantic Web Conference (ISWC/ASWC2007), Busan, South Korea, volume 4825 of LNCS, page 715--728. Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer Verlag, (November 2007)