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    Welcome to Project SocialSite, an open source (CDDL/GPL2) project building Widgets and Web Services that make it easy for you to add social networking features to your existing web sites, including the ability to run OpenSocial Gadgets and have them backed by the same social graph. Here are some of the key features we're developing: * A complete end-to-end user interface for Social Networking in the form of JavaScript widgets that can be embedded into any site (Java, Ruby, PHP-based and more). * A flexible Social Graph repository that can work in a wide variety of social networking scenarios. With configurable profile properties and relationship types. * Comprehensive JavaScript and REST API access to that Social Graph repository: OpenSocial plus conforming extensions. * Scalability via support for running in distributed configuration, table partitioning technologies, master and slave databases and distributed caching.
    16 years ago by @gresch
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