Freescience allows any researcher to share his scientific papers (as well as notes, data and designs draws, ecc...) into a P2P OAI-PMH compliant network, by mean of which your works will be instantly available to hundred of thousands researchers worldwide. You can also browse the huge OAI archive (about 1 million documents from the best research institutes) and download their full text for free.
YaCy ist eine Suchmaschinensoftware die sich jeder installieren kann um damit ein Suchportal zu errichten, das Intranet zu indexieren oder andere Daten mit einer Suchfunktion zu erweitern. YaCy kann als Einzelinstallation betrieben werden aber die besondere Fähigkeit der Software ist die Vernetzung in einem Peer-to-Peer Suchmaschinennetz.
Imagine all the researchers you know, with a new bibliographic management tool that combined file storage with a napster-like communications protocol -- docster. Instead of just citations, docster also stores the files themselves and retains a connection between the citation metadata and each corresponding file. Somewhere in the ether is a docster server to which those researchers connect. They're reading one of their articles, and they find a new reference they want to pull up. What to do? Just query docster for it. Docster will figure out who else among those connected has a copy of that article, and if it's found, requests and saves a copy for our friendly researcher.
M. Bender, S. Michel, P. Triantafillou, G. Weikum, and C. Zimmer. Proceedings of the 28th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval - SIGIR \textquotesingle05, ACM Press, (2005)