Klar ist für uns: 2020 sollte nicht nur als Jahr der Krise, sondern auch als Jahr der Bildungsinnovation in Erinnerung bleiben. Mit dem ersten Newsletter des KI-Campus möchten wir gerne darauf zurückblicken und auch einen gemeinsamen Ausblick wagen.
By Simon Buckingham Shum on May 4th, 2019.
A heads-up that three collections will hit the streets this year focused on how we can design so that human needs and values are well and truly centre-stage in educational tools powered by data, analytics and AI.
Students often enter higher education academically unprepared and with unrealistic perceptions and expectations of university life, which are critical factors that influence students’ decisions to leave their institutions prior to degree completion.
guy from Brekke-Strand & and his personal site with some pretty god resources: "This site is dedicated to topics in room acoustics, music acoustics, speech acoustics, perception and their interrelation in general, and concert hall acoustics and stage acoustics in particular."