EctoLearning is a social, collaborative, online learning environment that directly addresses the needs of the modern learning environment by making the new communication skills and competencies for content creation and sharing central to the classroom experience.
Die Fachtagung "Personal Learning Environments in der Schule" beschäftigt sich mit allen Arten von medialen Werkzeuge, mit denen Lernende ihren Lernprozess verstärkt selbst gestalten können. Es gibt eine Video-Einführung in das Tagungsthema von Beat Döbeli.
Imagine if every twelve weeks Facebook: * shut down all the groups you belonged to, * deleted all your forum posts, * removed all the photos, videos, and other files you had shared, and * forgot who your friends were.
Why do we need a PLE when we already have the Internet? The Internet is my PLE, ePortfolio, VLE what ever. Thanks to blogger, bloglines, flickr, delicious, wikispaces, ourmedia, creative commons, and what ever comes next in this new Internet age, I have a
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