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    This paper aims go ahead in bringing back the ontological distinction and dialectical interaction between theconcepts of City (Polis) and the Urban (Urbs), something relatively clear in the ancient Latin Languages butnowadays certainly blurred, both, in the domestic public life as in the currently academic language, over-ruled by the American English. To undertake this task up we go back until Aristotle Politics to confront hissense of Polis (City) with the concept that on the City have some sociological and urbanism classical authors.Then, retaking the works of Henry Lefebvre (Right to the City), Manuel Castells (The city and the Grassroots)and David Harvey (The limits to Capital), we propose a preliminary and under construction concept of City,different from Urbs , as “political and sociological unity with limited spatial and temporal coherence”.
    8 years ago by @uranomar
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