Sajax is an open source tool to make programming websites using the Ajax framework — also known as XMLHTTPRequest or remote scripting — as easy as possible. Sajax makes it easy to call PHP, Perl or Python functions from your webpages via JavaScript without performing a browser refresh. The toolkit does 99% of the work for you so you have no excuse to not use it. Character translation utilities for LaTeX-formatted text. Usage: - unicode(string,'latex') - ustring.decode('latex') are both available just by letting "import latex" find this file. - unicode(string,'latex+latin1') - ustring.decode('latex+latin1') where latin1 can be replaced by any other known encoding, also become available by calling latex.register(). We also make public a dictionary latex_equivalents, mapping ord(unicode char) to LaTeX code. D. Eppstein, October 2003. source: License: Python license ( modified for mab2bib 2005/2006 by Henning Hraban Ramm
"We have 69 series for learning Python. You will learn more by joining Club ShowMeDo. With the Club you save time and stay up-to-date with the latest skills as we've done the research for you."
VIM's default configuration for Python sucks! If you have used VIM to write Python code, you probably know this very well. It does not align to parentheses and braces.