The COST Action 274 TARSKI Web Portal for Relation Software as of May 15, 2005 When an engineer is about to design an artefact and has to apply Linear Algebra methods (such as solving systems of linear equations or determining eigenvalues and eigenvectors), he will approach the respective computing center and most certainly get the necessary software. When the matrices considered become boolean matrices, i.e., relations, the situation changes dramatically. Neither will one find persons competent in that, nor will there exist commonly accepted high-quality software. Even formulation of the ideas is often bound to the respective scientists personal habits of denotation. This situation is addressed by the present attempt for a common web portal for relation software.
The RelView-System is an interactive tool for computer-supported manipulation of relations represented as Boolean matrices or directed graphs, especially for prototyping relational specifications and programs.. Examples for RelView programs: o Approximation algorithms o Graph-theoretic algorithms o Algorithms for orders and lattices o Algorithms for C/E Petri nets o Recursive programs o Miscellaneous The KURE for your relational problems - The Kiel University Relation package contains the relational functions of RelView in an easy to use linkable C library. The Java library KURE-Java is an extension of the KURE library and has been developed at the Chair of Software Technology at the University of Dortmund. Currently this Java library is used to reimplement RelView as plugin for the development platform Eclipse, called RelClipse .